As we continue our 2024 Factory Refresh, we're excited to announce the completion of the next stage: increasing our solar energy capacity. With the help of the brilliant team at Empower Energy Ltd, we’ve reinstalled our original 150kW of panels and added an extra 90kW, bringing our total solar power generation to 240kW.

This upgrade means that during the summer months, we’ll be generating more energy across the 554 solar panels than we need for production, allowing us to export the surplus back to the grid. Even with 24/7 operations and the shorter winter days here in the UK, we expect to generate over 30% of our annual energy from solar power—around 170,000kWh per year. This will save an incredible 40,000kg of CO2 annually, taking us a significant step closer to Net Zero manufacturing.

Check out the timelapse to see the installation in action!

Our solar journey so far…

Solar power was first brought to GW Martin back in 2013, and since then, our original panels have produced 1.2 million kWh of clean energy. That’s the equivalent of saving 470 tonnes of CO2 emissions, or planting 14,000 trees! By upgrading our solar power system and implementing other energy-saving measures like air source heating and LED lighting, we’re continuing to reduce our energy usage and carbon footprint.

As a JOSCAR accredited business, we were one of the first companies to register for JOSCAR Zero to demonstrate our commitment towards Net Zero Manufacturing. These initiatives not only help the environment but also enable us to offer a sustainable supply of machined parts to our customers, while maintaining our ISO14001 accreditation.

Monday, 02 September 2024 08:46

2024 Factory Refresh: Check out our new roof!

That’s a wrap on the second stage of our big 2024 factory refresh – and we couldn’t be more excited about how things are shaping up. For those of you following along, we’re in the middle of a factory transformation that’s set to bring some major upgrades to our site in Eastleigh, Hampshire.

After installing a sleek new high-performance resin floor during the first stage, this latest project was all about giving our factory a brand new roof.

Kicking off this phase, we brought in the pros from Gemini Roofing and Cladding Ltd to handle the roof installation. With their careful planning and hard work, it was fully fitted just 8 days into our scheduled 2-week shutdown, which means there’s plenty of time to get the finishing touches sorted, including edge detailing, and prepare for our reopening on Monday 2nd September.

Even the weather decided to cooperate (mostly), with only one rainy day to contend with.

Heading into the next stage… Project Power

The new roof is only the latest chapter of the story of our factory refresh. We’re about to head onto the next phase, which we’ve dubbed ‘Project Power’.

As part of this, we’ll be reinstalling our solar panels back onto the roof, and even adding more solar power into the mix. We’re bumping up capacity by another 90kW, bringing us to a total of 240kW of solar energy generation. That means a third of our energy needs will be covered by the sun alone!

Our solar panels have been running for over 11 years now, and in that time, they’ve cranked out more than 1.2 million kWh of power. With this new upgrade, we’re excited to keep pushing toward a more sustainable future, powering our production with clean, renewable energy.

Next up, we’ll be diving into the solar panel installation and getting everything ready to harness that great British sunshine. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to roll out these exciting changes.

Here at GW Martin, our factory has come a long way since the original cam-auto workshop first opened its doors in 1967. We’ve always aimed to keep quality at the forefront of what we do, and through that have seen a significant evolution in our manufacturing methods. Keeping pace with modern machining demands means ensuring our workshop is equally up to the task, and we’ve always believed the foundation starts with the floor.

In 2015, we installed a resin floor that not only brightened the entire space but also provided a durable, easy-to-maintain surface. To kick off the start of our 2024 Factory Refresh, we seized the opportunity to relocate some machinery, allowing us to upgrade some of the areas that were previously missed.

This is just the first step in a series of planned enhancements designed to completely transform our production facilities – with a new roof and upgrades to our solar power to come. Stay tuned!

The solar panel system here at GW Martin has been running for 11 years!

Our busy factory uses a lot of electricity, so we’ve always been keen to explore ways in which we could reduce our impact on the environment. When taking into account our large roof area, it seemed a no brainer to make the most of this space, so we decided to install a 150kW Solar PV system back in 2013.

Since then, the results have been brilliant…

Over the last 11 years, we’ve generated 1.2 million kWh of power. This is equivalent to saving 470 tonnes in CO2 emissions, or planting 14,000 trees.

Most of the power generated has been used right here at our factory in Eastleigh, Hampshire to help us make over 10 million precision machined components. And what we haven’t used has been exported back to the grid. In fact, the 300,000 kWh that we’ve exported is enough to fuel making around 5 million cups of tea for British manufacturers!

Coupling our solar power system with other energy saving initiatives such as air source heating and LED lighting, we have been able to dramatically reduce our energy usage and carbon footprint. All of this helps us to provide a sustainable supply of machined parts for our customers and, in turn, supports our ISO14001 accreditation too.

Tuesday, 30 April 2024 14:01

GW Martin renews WEAF membership

We are delighted to maintain our membership of the West of England Aerospace Forum (WEAF).

WEAF is one of the largest aerospace and advanced engineering clusters in Europe, and serves as the leading networking association for aerospace and defence companies in the South West of England. Championing innovation and sustainability, WEAF plays a pivotal role in advancing the aerospace and defence industries.

The UK aerospace sector is the global leader, and WEAF actively supports a number of innovative programmes and industry projects, empowering us to deliver pioneering solutions and products. With a commitment to reducing carbon emissions by 78% by 2035, WEAF and its members remain dedicated to environmental sustainability.

Stuart Yalden, our Managing Director said: “We are immensely proud maintain our membership of WEAF. It is fantastic to have access to the latest insights and innovations, plus collaborate with industry experts, as we look to develop products to drive the aerospace and defence industries forward.”

For a reliable precision manufacturing partner equipped with the latest cutting-edge technology, call our expert team on 023 8064 2922 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Monday, 15 April 2024 12:56

How does CNC machining work?

CNC machining, short for Computer Numerical Control machining, is renowned for being one of the most popular high-tech methods of digital manufacturing that has completely transformed the engineering industry.

In this blog, we’ll explore how CNC machining works and the benefits of using CNC machining for your next project:

What is CNC machining?

CNC machining is a manufacturing process in which pre-programmed computer software automates, monitors and controls the movement of CNC machinery.

Unlike 3D printing, which builds objects layer-by-layer, CNC machining is a form of subtractive manufacturing, using written code to remove material and shape the final product.

How CNC machining works

CNC machining makes pre-programming the machine’s speed and position functions possible, running them through software in consistent cycles. The process includes:

Step 1: Designing the part

The first step involves creating a detailed 2D or 3D design of the part to be manufactured using CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software, which acts as a blueprint for the CNC machine.

Step 2: Converting to a CNC programme

Programmers convert the CAD design file into computer code, typically G-code, for the CNC system to understand and execute the machining process.

This code is transformed into a CNC programme, often using CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) software, allowing control over speed, feed rate and coordination.

Step 3: Setting up the machine

Before starting the machining process, the CNC machine undergoes meticulous set up. This includes securing the workpiece, selecting and installing the appropriate tools and loading the CNC programme.

Subsequently, the operator conducts a trial run to verify there are no errors in the coding.

4. Machining the part

The CNC machine follows the programmed instructions to control the cutting tools, which move along various axes to shape the workpiece. This process is highly precise and can involve multiple tools and operations like drilling, milling and turning.

The CNC machining starts with a block of material, called a blank, and uses fast-moving cutters to quickly carve away material and create the finished part. It carries out the dimensional tasks as specified, much like a robot.

Top 6 advantages of CNC machining


CNC machines operate with extreme accuracy, capable of producing parts with tight tolerances. Consistency Once programmed, CNC machines can produce numerous parts with exact uniformity. The process allows for consistency that would be difficult, if not impossible, to replicate manually.


Changing the production from one part to another is relatively simple, allowing for efficient small-batch production runs or large-scale production.


CNC machining can produce parts quickly, significantly reducing production times compared to traditional methods, for ultimate productivity.


The production of parts via pre-programmed software is mostly automated, requiring minimal intervention from users.

Suitable for a wide range of sectors

Essentially, there are no limits to what you can achieve with CNC machining.

At GW Martin, we are proud to have extensive industry experience working across multiple sectors, including:

  • Defence
  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Medical
  • Commercial

For a trusted precision manufacturing partner using the latest cutting-edge technology, call our expert team on 023 8064 2922 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Design for Manufacturing (DFM) is a critical part of the product development cycle and something we’ve focused on growing our expertise in here at GW Martin.

In this article, we explore why DFM is such an important part of the process, including its impact on everything from costs to quality.

What is Design for Manufacturing (DFM)?

Put simply, Design for Manufacturing is the process of designing parts, components and products for ease of manufacturing. The end goal is to make a better product at a lower cost.

Some of the general principles of DFM include:

  • Simplifying the design of parts for quick and efficient assembly
  • Reducing the number of parts required
  • Standardising materials and components
  • Minimising the manufacturing operations required during assembly

At GW Martin, we have the in-house capability to take your design drawings and ensure they represent the most cost-effective and viable solution to manufacturing your component. We always work closely with our customers to reduce costs and achieve outstanding results.

Factors considered during DFM

Several factors are taken into consideration during DFM to ensure a high quality end product. These include:

  • Process: Optimising the product and production line to ensure a strong product
  • Design: Simplifying designs to help cut inventory and waste, saving businesses time and money
  • Materials: Carefully selecting materials, considering properties such as heat resistance, flammability, mechanical strength or moisture resistance
  • Sustainability: Addressing eco-conscious concerns by exploring the use of eco-friendly materials and reducing waste
  • Compliance: Ensuring correct manufacturing processes comply with industry standards for safety and quality

Benefits of DFM

Enhancing product quality

DFM is crucial for quality control and improving the quality of the product. The DFM process ensures that any changes, especially those aimed at lowering component costs, do not compromise product quality.

Increase efficiency

As part of streamlining product processes, minimising assembly steps and preventing line shutdowns in DFM, businesses are able to increase efficiency, ultimately leading to reduced costs over time.


Using standard components instead of custom ones, reduces the cost of producing bespoke parts while maintaining quality.

Reduce costs

DFM goes a long way to help reduce costs, from making cost efficiencies in material selection, reducing inventory and waste, to minimising production costs and simplifying designs.

An estimated 70% of product manufacturing costs are derived from design-based decisions, such as materials and manufacturing methods. The remaining 30% comes down to production decisions, like process planning and tool selection. By optimising these areas, you can significantly reduce your costs.

Quick to market

Streamlining designs and processes during DFM means you can reduce time to market and gain a competitive edge. Simplifying designs can be an easy way to cut extensive inventories, which will also save time and money.


Considering DFM from the beginning of the product development cycle reduces redesign work and improves product quality. By ‘challenging’ the initial designs, you’re able to resolve any potential issues that can come up while scaling from prototype to production.


Businesses and consumers are becoming much more eco-conscious and many are choosing their suppliers based on their commitment to sustainability. We can help clients to look at sustainable materials, as well as reduce raw material usage, waste and energy.

As part of our commitment to reducing our own carbon footprint, our environmental performance is controlled through an Integrated Management System, which is certified to ISO 14001:2015. We have also invested in solar power generation and installed energy efficient LED lighting, and continue to strive to reduce waste. Currently, over 90% of our waste is recycled.

For a trusted precision manufacturing partner specialising in DFM, call our expert team on 023 8064 2922 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We have some exciting news to share! GW Martin is now a proud member of industry leading manufacturers’ organisation Make UK, supporting UK manufacturing growth and success, as well as Make UK Defence, driving innovation in the defence and security industry.

As a family-run business, we are delighted to draw on the support, training and insights Make UK offer and connect with other manufacturers to share and solve problems together. A big focus for us will be sustainability, as well as health and safety.

Make UK Defence, a national not-for-profit association, offers a fantastic opportunity to champion the UK’s defence and security industry. As part of Make UK, it represents the sector’s interests to the UK government and champions our innovative, global and dynamic industry to the public.

Our Managing Director, Stuart Yalden, is thrilled with the news, commenting: “We are very proud to become a member of Make UK and Make UK Defence. It will be invaluable to connect with other manufacturers and champion innovation and growth within the manufacturing, defence and security industries.”

For a trusted precision manufacturing partner using the latest cutting-edge technology, call our expert team on 023 8064 2922 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

As part of our commitment to investing in the latest state-of-the-art technology, we’ve recently introduced a new addition to our Inspection Department – the VICIVISION M609 Turned Part Measurement System.

VICIVISION’s TECHNO range is renowned in the industry for its precision and technological expertise, ensuring that parts are aligned to the tightest tolerances each and every time.

Using four CCD cameras and robotic light guides, our Inspection team are able to capture highly detailed images of the internal geometry of turned parts, providing exactly what we need to ensure each is up to spec, down to the very last detail. This results in superior consistency, fewer rejects and improved efficiency, allowing us to meet customer demand for shorter lead times.

Since introducing the VICIVISION M609 into our processes, we’ve reduced downtime and sped up our inspections. The micron-precision performance and accuracy has meant that we don’t need to perform as many checks and is proving to eliminate bottlenecks – a win-win for both us and our clients!

If you have any projects now or coming up in the near future that you’d like our team to quote for, please get in touch on 023 8064 2922 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Monday, 25 September 2017 12:08

Celebrating 50 Years at Bishopstoke Road

On a sunny morning in Eastleigh, G W Martin and Co Ltd celebrated the 50th anniversary of the opening of their factory. George William Martin started the business in 1959 in buildings once occupied by Fair Oak Dairy on Southampton Road. After strong growth he built his own facility on Bishopstoke Road which was opened on 22nd September 1967 by Sir David Price MP.   Today the team were joined by Mims Davies MP to celebrate the 50th Anniversary.

Mims Davies MP said:

“I am delighted to congratulate G W Martin and Co and join them on their 50 year anniversary at their Bishopstoke Road premises.  It is great to see British manufacturing thriving in the heart of Eastleigh.  I have been impressed to meet such a loyal and experienced team of people from the local community working towards that success.  

With some of the team who started as apprentices in the early days of the factory approaching retirement, their commitment to training young people and bringing new skills into the industry is refreshing.  Apprentices really matter both now and then with 6,000 new ones commencing since 2010 in the Eastleigh constituency.

Having visited the factory a few years ago it is clear that their recent investments in their facility are having a real impact. I wish all at the firm every success for the next 50 years.”




7 Bishopstoke Road,
Eastleigh, Hampshire,
England, SO50 6AD.

TEL: 023 8064 2922

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